
What is wilson silverleaf? We're organitarians; it's best for our bodies and the planet. We cloth diapered Nina for the same reason. We drive a hybrid car & wish we could afford solar panels on our house. I'm a strong advocate for homebirth, full-time mom, & also a movie junkie. We don't have a tv though; we watch dvds on our computer. We love contradancing. I garden & knit; Larry's a puzzle lover & plays fantasy football.

Friday, November 24, 2006

I went to see the new James Bond movie last night. I like Bond, it's a fun fantasy, but lately the movies have been disappointing. I mean, I know they're not reality-based, but I'd like to be able to muster up some suspension of disbelief. The remake of Casino Royale was way more gritty than what's been served up lately, and it seemed to me as if it broke away from the formula a little. All in all, a good 10$ spent.

As for the new Bond, Daniel Craig did a great job, but I agree with a lot of the critics that he wasn't the best choice (you can click here for a page that is set up for people boycotting Casino Royale; some people have way too much time on their hands). I originally scoffed at the criticism that he is too buff, but considering that he is naked in at least one scene, I have to agree. He has a shelf of pecs that shadows his body and he looks bent over his abs. There is something about an Arnold-esque Bond that just doesn't work. I haven't read the Feming books, so I don't know what Bond's background is supposed to be, but in my mind he is should be refined. Daniel Craig just has a scrappy air about him. Bond should stride purposefully but with dignity, but Craig hurries. One last gripe: his hair is just too short (though I have no trouble with a blonde, blue-eyed Bond).

But maybe it's just sour grapes, my money was on Clive Owen or Christian Bale .

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