
What is wilson silverleaf? We're organitarians; it's best for our bodies and the planet. We cloth diapered Nina for the same reason. We drive a hybrid car & wish we could afford solar panels on our house. I'm a strong advocate for homebirth, full-time mom, & also a movie junkie. We don't have a tv though; we watch dvds on our computer. We love contradancing. I garden & knit; Larry's a puzzle lover & plays fantasy football.

Friday, July 04, 2008

first squash! and other garden delights

Looky there, a crookneck squash, one of my favorite summer treats!

And another one coming along, I see.

And a cantaloupe baby and flowers (Oh my goodness, it would be so exciting to get melons from the garden) and if blogger was co-operating you would see pics of my watermelon plant too. No babies on it yet but I'm hopeful.

Lavender flowers...mmmm.


Unknown said...

Awesome! Remember not to play Curious Horticulturalist and let your squashes grow so huge that they taste nasty and bitter.

We did that once. Had a few two foot long zucchinis to marvel at and no dinner.

lola coca-cola said...

I'm gonna pick that sucker tomorrow. And you asked for it, growing zucchini. EEEEW.