
What is wilson silverleaf? We're organitarians; it's best for our bodies and the planet. We cloth diapered Nina for the same reason. We drive a hybrid car & wish we could afford solar panels on our house. I'm a strong advocate for homebirth, full-time mom, & also a movie junkie. We don't have a tv though; we watch dvds on our computer. We love contradancing. I garden & knit; Larry's a puzzle lover & plays fantasy football.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

dragons, horses, and pipefish

What could this picture possibly be?

It's a sea dragon; just watching them float by it seems like they move pretty slowly. But then you try to get them in focus, in frame, and it's a whole different story.

Sea horses, very cool. The next tank over had a whole passel (herd?) of pregnant papas. Just like on Oprah (awesome, by the way, I think).

And a pipefish.

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