
What is wilson silverleaf? We're organitarians; it's best for our bodies and the planet. We cloth diapered Nina for the same reason. We drive a hybrid car & wish we could afford solar panels on our house. I'm a strong advocate for homebirth, full-time mom, & also a movie junkie. We don't have a tv though; we watch dvds on our computer. We love contradancing. I garden & knit; Larry's a puzzle lover & plays fantasy football.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

contra dancing, more on...

Remember when I promised more about contra dancing? Well, here it is.

This first video has a lot of the moves typical in contra dancing, but the formation is different--maybe it's a square? Probably. I generally dislike squares, but this one looks fun and it features Two Sock Knitters prominently. When Larry and The Fiddling Fool get together it's dance mayhem, it's better to keep half a country between them, for everyone's sake.

This one appears to have been shot through someone's sleeve, but it's a New England dance, which I miss soooo much and the band is so HOT I had to include it.

I love the aerial view of contra dancing.

Here is an interesting series of "how to" videos. Included are parts 2, 7, and 12. Maybe the rest are too top secret for the rest of us.

Oh, and if you're interested in taking up contra dancing, there is probably one near you. Here is schedule for the one I go to and here's a map that you can click on to find one near you.


angela said...

The first video is what I know as country mountain circle dance.

meg said...

The first one's a square - and you're right about Larry and the Fool being a little too dangerous on the same dance floor ;)

Luci said...

I've never seen or heard of contra dancing! You must show me next time I see you! pppplease! It looks like fun!